A C.S. Lewis Pilgrimage

posted June 11, 2007 by Holly Hayes part of trip: Graduate School in Oxford

I'm a big C.S. Lewis fan, so it's pretty bad that it took me almost two years of living in Oxford to do the proper pilgrimage. But we finally did so yesterday, with a visit to his parish church, a revisit to his grave with better cameras, and a stop at his house.

1. Holy Trinity Church

Our first stop was Holy Trinity Church in Headington, a village that is now an eastern suburb of Oxford. The church looks old but is quite new by English standards: built 1849. It is normally locked, but thankfully they have just started opening from 2-5pm on summer weekends.

View from South

Near the "Lewis pew" is the Narnia Window (above), which was added in 1991 as a memorial to two children of the parish who sadly died young. It features Aslan the Lion and lots of other characters and scenes from the Narnia books.

holy trinity church, headington
A lady from the parish was there during our visit and we enjoyed chatting with her. (You can see us if you enlarge the photo at right.) She told me that now only one church member survives who attended at the same time as Lewis, but is too frail to attend services very often. The Lewis stories still circulate, though!

Apparently he and Warnie always arrived early for 8am communion, then left early before the service was over. Lewis didn't like sermons, church music, or small talk.

narnia windowsill One popular anecdote is that every time the Lewis brothers would leave early, the door would slam loudly behind them. Finally the churchwarden decided to line the door jamb with rubber to muffle the sound. So the next time they left, it closed quietly behind them. But then when the rest of the congregation went to leave, the door wouldn't open! Someone had to climb outside through an old back door, walk around to the front and shove it open with great effort. They took the rubber off again, and had to go back to the slamming.

flower kneeler
She also told us that we had missed out on an excellent flower festival in Headington the previous weekend, and showed us one of their entries: a kneeler made entirely of flowers (above left). It was very impressive.

2. Lewis' Grave

Next we headed out to the churchyard to photograph Lewis' grave again, since our first visit was spontaneous and we only had a cell phone camera with us.

grave of c.s. lewis
grave of c.s. lewis

The epitaph was written by his brother Warnie, who then was buried with him a few years later.

grave of c.s. lewis

I just recently learned the meaning of the phrase "Men must endure their going hence" - it is from "King Lear" and was on the Lewis family's Shakespeare calendar the day their beloved mother died. She died of cancer when Lewis was only 10, and the traumatic experience was part of why he became an atheist at an early age.

Masons Arms
Next to the church is a pub called the Masons Arms, where Lewis and Warnie often headed after they left church early. We didn't go inside but snapped some pics of the outside. It is clearly still a popular watering hole, as there were lots of convivial noises coming from the open door.

3. The Kilns

Our final stop for the day was the Kilns, C.S. Lewis' home from 1929 to 1963. He lived here with his brother Warnie, an older woman named Mrs. Moore, who was the mother of Lewis' college roommate that had died in World War II, and Mrs. Moore's daughter Maureen. Later, long after Mrs. Moore's death and as seen in the movie Shadowlands, Lewis' wife Joy moved in with them for the last few years of her life.

the kilns

It was here at the Kilns that Lewis wrote all the Narnia books as well as his other classics. The two windows in the above photo are his study (left) and bedroom (right). The house plays a significant role in the stories as well - in real life, a few children who were evacuated from London during the WWII bombing came to stay at the Kilns.

the kilns
And that's how

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previous: West Wycombe and the "Other Place"

Article Info

Page Title
A C.S. Lewis Pilgrimage
Added By
Holly Hayes
Date Published
June 11, 2007
Last Updated
April 15, 2024