Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519

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15 Apr 1452
Birth of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci becomes apprentice artist under Verrocchio in Florence
Leonardo da Vinci accepted into painters guild of Florence
Leonardo da Vinci leaves Verrocchio's workshop to work independently in Florence. Early technical sketches survive from this period.
Leonardo da Vinci is working for 12 years on his main project for Duke Ludovico Sforza in Milan, a monumental equestrian statue of Francesco Sforza.
Leonardo da Vinci moves to Milan
Leonardo da Vinci paints the Virgin of the Rocks
The clay model of Leonardo's equestrian statue is publicly displayed during the wedding of Emperor Maximilian to Bianca Maria Sforza. Just before it is cast in bronze, imminent war requires the bronze to be used for cannons instead. Tragically, the statu
Leonardo da Vinci paints The Last Supper
Leonardo paints the ceiling of the Sala delle Asse in the Castello Sforzesco, Milan.
Dec 1499
Soon after the French enter Milan, Leonardo leaves the city with mathematician Lucas Pacioli.
Leonardo is hired as an architectural expert by a committee investigating damages to the church of San Francesco al Monte in Florence.
Feb 1500
Leonardo visits Mantua
Mar 1500
Leonardo visits Venice
Apr 1500
Leonardo da Vinci returns to Florence after 17 years
Leonardo leaves Florence to work for Duke Cesare Borgia as "senior military architect and general engineer," during which time he travels a great deal and meets Niccolo Machiavelli.
Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
Leonardo returns to Florence in the spring to advise on a project to divert the Arno River behind Pisa, then under siege by the Florentines, to block Pisa's access to the sea. The plan is not carried out.
Leonardo is commissioned to paint a huge (23 x 56 feet) mural of the Battle of Anghiari in the Palazzo Vecchio. He works on it for three years, but it is never finished (neither is Michelangelo's counterpart, Battle of Cascina).
Leonardo da Vinci dissecting corpses in Florence
Leonardo da Vinci helps sculptor Giovanni Francesco Rustici create his bronze statues for the Florence Baptistery.
Leonardo da Vinci paints second version of The Virgin of the Rocks
Leonardo da Vinci's second Milanese period
Leonardo da Vinci moves to Rome
Leonardo da Vinci leaves Italy for the last time, moving with his devoted pupil Melzi to France at the invitation of King Francis I. Serving as "First painter, architect, and engineer to the King," Leonardo lives the final three years of his lif
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